Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Learn About the Gallbladder Cancer Diagnosis Process


The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that sits underneath a section of the liver. The gallbladder concentrates and stores bile, which is used in the digestive process. This organ can acquire 1 of 2 varieties of cancerous tumors: adenocarcinomas or papillary tumors. Both forms of gallbladder cancer are diagnosed by 1 of several available tests, and there are key symptoms to learn about and watch for in order to detect the early stages of this disease.


Difficulty: Moderate

Identify the Signs of Gallbladder Cancer

Things You'll Need

  • Internet connection
  • Computer
  • Oncologist



Step One

Learn about the risk factors for gallbladder cancer. Those with a history of gallstones or those who are typhoid carriers run a much higher risk of contracting the disease.

Step Two

See the signs for possible gallbladder cancer. The most common symptoms include abdominal pain, regular nausea or vomiting, jaundice and gallbladder enlargement.

Step Three

Notice additional symptoms, such as loss of appetite, severe itching, abdominal swelling and black, tarry stools.

Test for Gallbladder Cancer



Step One

Schedule an exam with an oncologist if you suspect you may be ill.

Step Two

Reveal any medical history of cancer and report any symptoms you may experience.

Step Three

Get tested for gallbladder cancer. This often begins with a blood test and full physical.

Step Four

Submit to imaging tests such as ultrasounds and CT scans. These allow doctors to look inside the body and identify infected tissues and cells.

Step Five

Consider removing the gallbladder altogether if a problem is found. This is a common procedure, and it is entirely possible to live a healthy life without this organ.

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