Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Help Communities Fight Cancer


According to the American Cancer Society, the global cancer rate is rising. That means that cancer is not just an American, British, Australian or a Canadian problem--it's a global problem. To help fight this disease, begin in your own community, and from there, cancer awareness and prevention information can spread across the globe.


Difficulty: Moderately Challenging



Step One

Know the statistics. Prepare with statistics on how cancer is affecting your community. Your community may know what a killer cancer is, but it may pay closer attention when it finds out how rampant it is in its own community. Listing the names of cancer survivors and those who succumbed to the disease is a real attention-grabber.

Step Two

Provide prevention information. Even though the media and other organizations are explaining what individuals can do to reduce their chances of getting cancer, your community may not be stepping up to the plate. Explain how eating, sleeping, drinking, exercising, stress and environmental pollutants are all factors on controlling your destiny.

Step Three

Sponsor an event where the proceeds go to cancer research. It can be a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, pie-eating contest or a 5K race. Use the event to hand out flyers with cancer statistics and information pertinent to your community.

Step Four

Involve children. The future of any community depends on the education of the little ones. Seek approval from your local school district to speak at the elementary, junior high and high schools. Unfortunately, most children have a loved one or know of someone who has cancer. It can be a great opportunity for them to learn information to become empowered to help prevent and fight this terrible disease.

Tips & Warnings

  • Children can influence their peers—and have a profound impact on their parents. By planting the seed in the little ones, they can grow and help spread awareness throughout the community.
  • Seek permission from the local schools to sponsor a contest for the most creative ideas for spreading cancer awareness throughout the community. Campaigns need a fresh young approach to build and maintain enthusiasm.

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