Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Learn About Secondary Brain Cancer


Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells resulting in offending masses called tumors, which can cause a variety of symptoms. Secondary brain cancer is a condition that does not start in the brain, but spreads to the brain from another part of the body.


Difficulty: Moderate



Step One

Be aware that people with other forms of cancer, such as breast or bone, are at increased risk of secondary brain cancer. Cancerous cells can travel through the lymphatic system to the brain. There are few other documented risk factors for brain cancer, but one scientifically proven link is heavy exposure to radiation.

Step Two

Ask your doctor about follow-up scans and tests. If you are in a high-risk group, you may want to be checked out regularly to ensure speedy diagnosis of tumors.

Step Three

Learn more about secondary brain cancer at the Oncology Channel Web site (see "Resources" below). This site's brain cancer page details causes, risk factors, symptoms and treatment methods.

Step Four

Learn the symptoms of brain cancer. Headaches, seizures, lack of coordination, change in personality or way of thinking and impaired speech or vision can all indicate the presence of a brain tumor. You may want to start keeping a journal to document changes in behavior, pain or symptoms.

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